The Year is 2030

What to expect in our lives by the end of the decade

Happy Little Friday to all who celebrate! We arrived here at Ai For Normal People over the weekend, and we’re thankful you all joined us for another great week.

I want to preface today’s newsletter by saying that my opinions are below based on the trajectory we’ve seen in this space. This isn’t something that I would take to the bank as cold, hard facts, but I think there’s a high probability we will see all of the things I’m talking about today in the near future.


Where is Ai?

Today's entire newsletter was shaped around the conversation between futurist Ray Kurzweil and Joe Rogan.

It’s funny when people have far-off numbers on when AI will obtain artificial general intelligence.

People state as far out as 2045 to reach artificial general intelligence.

I’m sorry, have you seen what Claude or even Chat-GPT is able to do?

One thing you have to remember is that the technology available to the public is not the most current update. It’s about 2-3 updates behind what is actually being built.

With all the noise of Q* recently out of OpenAI, OpenAI has probably already achieved some small level of artificial general intelligence and is keeping that within the walls of its building. This means OpenAI has developed artificial intelligence that can now think for itself—or at least use some sort of complex reasoning that humans would find impressive.

In the video above, Ray Kurzweil explains the over 100-year learning curve AI has taken to get to where we are today.

I wish more people would understand that artificial Intelligence does not learn at a linear rate but at an exponential rate.

It’s really hard for humans to project exponentially.

But, where will AI be by 2030?

My assumption is that AGI is here; it’s just not in the news yet.

Where did I put my phone?

The year is 2030. You’re walking down 5th Avenue in NYC, looking for a local coffee shop to stop by and do some work.

No backpack and your pockets are light.

All you have on is a set of glasses.

These glasses can send texts, make calls, connect to wifi to work on documents, check progress from the team, respond to emails, and so much more.

As you scan the room, you recognize people because their social media profiles are above their heads, giving you information about them before you speak with them.

After you wrap up your conversation and your hour of work, you’re ready to hit the road to walk around the town.

Believe it or not, this is your first time in New York City, so you’re looking for things to do. Ask your glasses to help you out, and they’ll now project options along with the safest and quickest route to get there.

In 2030, Phones and Computers will be fading into the nebulous.

I forgot my keys!

How’d you get to that coffee shop today? Well, I walked! Right, but not all cities are walkable.

It’s the year 2030, and the president of the United States has come across your glasses in a video, introducing a plan to eliminate human-driving cars by 2034.

It makes sense for safety, considering all cars will soon be smarter than humans. It’s not the car that is smarter, but the same artificial intelligence you communicate with daily to use ChatGPT/GROK/etc. that is implemented into these driving robots.

By 2035, vehicle ownership will plummet drastically. Instead, ride-sharing options will skyrocket. People will buy subscriptions to cars and request that the cars come to pick them up and take them where they need to go. The rides will be far cheaper than owning a car because the cars will either a) be on the electrical grid or b) have a better way to convert energy from the sun for these cars to be fueled up.

By 2030, human-driving cars will begin to be exonerated.

What’s the minimum wage?

Who will work?

These guys:

It will start with large, corporate companies that really only look at the bottom line. Why will it start there? Because they can buy a robot for $50-100K and train it within a month to do your job better than you ever could. And what they pay you in a salary, they’ll pay the robot in software updates that will be marginally cheaper than your $150K a year plus benefits.

Let’s go back to our coffee shop in NYC. Who was working behind the counter?


It won’t make sense for a business owner to put up with crap from human employees when they can train humanoids how to run a shop and never have to check on the business again. And yes, you can sit there and argue that the humanoid won’t be able to make this pizza as well as I can. Have you lost your mind?

How will humans get paid? You’ll have 4 options.

1) To keep your job, you’ll need to become symbiotic with AI (implant in the head—Neuralink). This poses a great risk of ownership to yourself. But it will give you access to the same information AI will have at the same computing speed. This is our greatest chance for humanity to compete. (As I’ve mentioned, I hope a detachable option exists to unplug when you want to.)

2) You’ll need to be an entertainer or have some sort of personal brand. These opportunities will change drastically as AI comes along regarding physical ability.

3) You’ll need to own or create a business; seeing a hole in the small market that Ai might not have created. If you own a business, you’ll need to save up capital to hire AI agents to work for you. If you’re creating a business, you better not sleep getting it off the ground.

4) (this is where most people will fall into) UBI. Universal Basic Income. A large population on Earth will no longer have an opportunity to compete because they don’t have the resources or they just don’t want to. It will be on the government to figure out ways to get these individuals and their families paid.

Wrap it Up

What are other things we’ll see in 2030? Respond back in the email and let me know what you think! As a great audience, I am always excited to learn more for you all.

Thanks for a great week! See you on Sunday,



🤠 Written by me, Zander. Connect with me on X! (Brand new to X? So am I!)

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