ai can be used for anything

Uncovering Pompeii's brother and what it can tell us about the future to come.

We woke up feeling good this morning pushing our new Friday morning - found only on Thursdays - (Sunday through Thursday writing // not Monday - Friday) hoping this deal lasts for a long time! We’re going to be talking about something that just made the news over the last few days.

But before we hop into that, I want to really encourage you in something I’ve had to catch myself on recently. Do not put a lid on ai. A lot of times, we only think of how things will grow from a consumer mindset in reference to how they impact our day to day. And fairly, due to the fact that activity wise from the brain, there’s not much availability in time we create to allow us to blue sky dream for the future in areas not pertaining to what we daily deal in.

But as we move forward, for anyone (and by anyone, I mean anyone) looking to learn how or continuing to use ai for your day to day work life or learning procedures for school, I really want to push you to realize ai will soon be able to help you in every facet. So lean in. If you’re just getting started in the ai space, it’s a great time for it.


We’re going back to history class for a minute.

Herculaneum sat as an Ancient Rome city neighboring the famous Pompeii. This city was actually the first discovered in archeological digs after someone was drilling down for a well in 1709. From a famous sense, Herculaneum is Pompeii’s little brother.

Mount Vesuvius erupts in 79 AD. Massive amounts of destruction incurred, leaving cities like Herculaneum and Pompeii covered with ash which ended up protecting the cities and preserving what would be covered for another ~1600 years.

Reports are coming out finding scrolls from the father in law of Julius Caesar.

Here is a look at what these scrolls currently look like sitting in the Institut de France.

As you can tell - still chard and burned. Led by Dr. Brent Seales starting back in 2015, he and his team came up with a process called virtual unwrapping.

What is Virtual UnWrapping?

Remember, none of these scrolls you could actually touch. Because of the charring from the eruption, if you were going to, your fingers would destroy the papyri.

Step 1: Scanning - using x-ray tomography, you can take a 3d scan of the scroll

Step 2: Segmentation - trace the layers of the rolled papyrus in the 3D scan and then unroll them digitally

Step 3: Ink Detection - identify the areas with ink on them using machine learning.

The Vesuvius Project

There’s a project, which you can find more information here, giving out cash prizes for people that can come in and use virtual unwrapping and other machine learning practices to decipher other scrolls from that time period.

They’ve already given out over $800K and they just deciphered the first scroll. You can find more information about that here.

BTW: This Project and the results of deciphering the scrolls are Open Source ;)


Zander, i’m trying to make money using ai - why the heck do I care about this?

Let me explain.

Why are we so fixated with uncovering old cities and histories from 2000+ years ago? What does it uncover today that directly impacts society?


Culture shifts society. It’s what teaches on watchers what to do and what not to do. It’s an expression of what is pivotal in that moment in history for groups of people that impact on our world.

A lot of the scrolls that are able to be uncovered will be from groups of people in history that had massive influence from that time period.

The creation of the internet allowed for decentralization of influence. Prior to the internet, there were no “micro influencers” (10-50K followers) or even mid stage influencers (100-500K followers). The people that had influence when the scrolls were written HAD. THE. INFLUENCE.

2,000 years ago they made money because of the influence they had allowing them to push large groups of people in certain directions.

The uncovering of the scrolls today and for the future are a reminder that culture is shaped by the influence of those that work for it. If you’re willing to put the work in within your direct dealing of business or passion, and you’re consistent, you will see the opportunity to make money because of the influence that you’ve worked hard for.

Ai will help in moderating truth and picking out the phony’s. That what I love about open source is that as long as we’re looking at models that are ran on open source platforms, we know more times than not, it’s for the betterment of society.

So I want to charge you: if you’re looking to make more money, it starts with giving away more value to your followers to grow so in return you continue to have an opportunity to impact people.

We’ve got a bonus for Friday!!!!! Yesterday we talked about Open Source and why that matters. We’re going to give you a list of resources you can use that are open source so stay on the look out (sent out normal time - 9:30 AM CST)

As always you can hit us back by replying directly to this email, or you can find me on X as @zanderhproduct or LinkedIn at @ZanderHuff.

We’ll see ya tomorrow 🙂 


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