We're at the top of the mountain

and I hate heights

The irony of some of the smartest humans running as fast as they can into the world of ai: unsure of what the outcome will be, yet understanding the grave consequence in a fault decision along the route. Happy Saturday…

Let me back up.

My name is Zander. I’m cofounder of ai for normal people along with Brady. Brady and I partnered up to tackle this voice to give reason no matter where you are in your journey with understanding the ai landscape.

Any concept that we cover in these newsletters, 99% of the time - you can equate the basics of the concepts to something in the physical world.

ie: Artificial intelligence


Yes. What does Artificial intelligence really mean? What’s artificial? Who’s intelligent? (don’t say brady, don’t say brady, please don’t say brady…)

In as simple as I can put it: Artificial Intelligence is the input of a set of data to receive an opportunistic output. You allow for the output to play out, record the result, and then train the model adding to that data set the outcome and whether that was correct. If correct, stay on a similar path. If incorrect - adjust and try again. More commonly said, you tell a model what to do until it tells you what to do after it’s heard you nag it enough.

The importance of good data:: You bought a new Ferrari. You’re 3rd wife is getting in the car. The 5 min ride to your local park won’t cut it. You’re stomping that gas guzzler for 30 min to the beach. On the way, your tank hits E. You’re not about to put 87 in it. You’re putting 93 Premium. Get good in, get good out. 87 in your rari’ = a 4th wife on the way that doesn’t know about a broken down foreign.

Point is you need good data to train the model. You can’t put crap in and expect good stuff out. It needs to be reliable, true data that is current and up to date.

Once you have good data you’re supplying the model, the model will take on form.

Example of what happens with good data: A “baby you” has entered the chat: day 1. At said day, it doesn’t know a word yet. As “baby you” grows up, they’re faced with many challenges. Some grand; some miniscule. Decisions to be made nonetheless. Every decision that is brought to baby you - baby you is looking at that decision analyizing the data. What is good data again? Up to date, reliable data that “baby you” can trust to make a (hopefully) halfway decent response. And if baby you has any brain cells after they’re 16, they’ll continue to make better and better decisions as time goes on.

Artificial intelligence learns exactly like humans. Small decisions until overtime it has enough data to make proper selections over complex issues.

The only difference with ai and humans are the computing speeds (10,000x (not us) to 1 (us) ). This means when ai becomes sentient - it will be equivalent to a tree conversing with a human. And we won’t be the human in that story.

So I bring up mountains to not remind us where we currently are, but where we’ve been. We’ve conquered a lot of land; made a lot of progress in inventions, innovation, and development. We’ve put people on the moon - built a computer for the pocket, and even created pizza rolls (we’re clearly not that impressive because you’re mouth is still burnt). Needless to say, we have a lot to be proud of.

I’m afraid of heights though… looking at where we’ve been only leads me to know as humans we’re going to continue to push the boundaries higher for what’s ahead. Chips in humans’ brains, flying cars on a communicative grid, talking chat bots online that take on personalities becoming our friends - just Brady? yooo what was up with that monkey thing…

Here at ai for normal people - we will do our best everyday to give you honest content in the ai space that WE (Brady and Zander) would want to read (maybe that’s why Zander only writes on Saturdays). Our hope is we never lead scared or blindly sprinting - but always cautiously prepared for what lies ahead no matter what field you’re in.

This might be too much for your Saturday… guess I could of sent it on a Tuesday.

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Our goal is 250 by the end of January, but we need your help!

Do you know any other normal people that are halfway interested in ai, or have even said it once at your thanksgiving dinner Uncle Chuck?
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