Sunday Times

Future Wearables and Big Tech News!

Happy Sunday. We’re excited and ready for another great week here at Ai for Normal People. We’re glad you’re joining us in the world of Ai. It’s a crazy time to be covering the space and with how fast this is coming into our everyday lives, it’s vastly important to understand what’s going on.

Let’s dive right on in.


  • AlterEgo - the wearable released in 2018?

  • Shopping with Google has improved

  • YouTube has integrated Ai into their platform

  • Bible Tool You need to know about now

Do you have an AlterEgo? 🎧️ 

There was something that caught my eye this week. A wearable headset called AlterEgo came out from the MIT MEDIA LAB group… 6 years ago…

This product works as a wearable (that you can take off, thank goodness). “With this device, users can discreetly and effortlessly perform tasks like recording thoughts, sending private messages, searching for information, performing calculations, or engaging with AI assistants.”

If someone asks you a question, you then ask your device that question in silence, it understands what you’re saying by vibrations, and signals back to you the answer after surfing the internet for it through vibrations. It automates using artificial intelligence to speed up the search process.

This device (after training with specific users) has been revealed to have over a 90% accuracy rating. Unfortunately, they’re not for sale or commercial use.

I’m writing about this today because this came out over 5 years ago during 2018! 

If it recently has felt like people have been JUST NOW getting started on ai projects and they’re building these super quickly, you’re not alone in feeling this way. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

You can read more about AlterEgo here.

Google is your Shopping Assistant 🛍️ 

“I’m looking for a black pair of running shoes that are pretty comfy”

“I’m looking for a green set of dining room plates and silverware”

“I’m looking for a pair of jeans that has a rip on the left knee”

Google has connected ai image generation technology for searching when shopping. When you search for an item or a product, you can ask it in everyday language for whatever it is that you’re looking for and it will pull up items based on what you’re asking.

Make sure to scroll down after the first 4 or 5 results to find “Shop with Google” blue button. It doesn’t always pop up so you can go straight to here to shop.

This is the first step (to me) in generative ai shopping where you can literally type it out and it gets made. 


Check out all the full features google released with search here.

YouTube and Ai are dating! ▶️ 

YouTube rolled out features over the last couple of weeks utilizing ai seemingly centered around helping the viewer & creator get what they need faster.

  • Ask Ai about the video - instead of watching an hour long video, ai will summarize it in the chat and give you the highlights of the video in text

  • Concise the comments - when comments are really long, ai will concise those bad boys down to give you the main meat and potatoes of the comments

  • In Dream Screen, you can use generative ai to create a video (probably best case is for shorts or short videos under 2 minutes - don’t see this replacing anything longer than 5 minutes anytime soon specifically because humans are lazy and don’t want to write that long of a prompt so instead they’ll actually go out and shoot the video 🤣)

  • Channel Analytics - for creators in the studio to give them ideas for upcoming videos

I highlight this news because YouTube, no matter what ai platforms come out over the next 3-5 years, is not going away. It’s a behemoth with the amount of data it has on user consumption.

The human economy is quicker and quicker turning into consumers more and more and we will continually see bigger and bigger companies utilize ai more and more into their services.

If they can do it, it’s an indication all of us need to be figuring out how to do it. No matter what business or work you’re in.

Biblicai - the bible talks back? 📕 

There’s a brand new platform out you can find here at

For all the Christians or anyone curious about Christianity out there, there’s a founder named Kyle Nix that created a software that allows you to ask the Bible the hard questions you’ve been to afraid to ask someone else.

This model was fed every version of the Bible from King James to the Message and when you ask it a question, it only answers off of the large amounts of data it has been fed which are the different types of the Gospel.

It will read and analyze your questions to give you a response including bible verses to back up it’s research. It’s a really cool tool to do some deeper level research.

Plans are free to start with with a top tier of $10/mo. or $60/year.

That’s what we got for this Sunday to get your week started. If there’s anything we missed or you want us to cover, let us know by responding back to this email.

See ya tomorrow,


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We crushed our 2,000 goal over the weekend and we’re almost there! Never would’ve believed we’d hit it that fast… can we hit 2,500 by month’s end?! 💥 🎊  

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