Sunday Times

We’re here for another great week in artificial intelligence. I really can’t get over how fast this space is moving. Please let us know how we can help you if you want to hear about something specific. We’d love to research and go a little more in-depth on something pertaining to you and your situation.

It's a little slower of a weekend than normal, but that’s okay—we’re coming to you with some big stories that you might have missed. Another edition of the Sunday Times starts right now!

Joke of the Day

OpenAi and Figure1

Humanoids in the Workforce

Apple’s Purchase

Joke of the Day
Oh no…

Do you know what a CTO is? Chief Technology Officer. Data is the most valuable asset to your company today. You build AI models based on it, and those models are only trained by it.

When asked a question about Sora, the C. T. O. could not tell us what publicly available data they used to train their model.

Are we supposed to believe that the C. T. O. of OpenAI has no idea where the data comes from that’s training their newest technology? If there was a class on becoming a CTO, you learn that right after covering your syllabus.

She looks stunned she even got the question. Are you serious???

OpenAi and Figure had a Baby!

Did I mention this space moves really fast?

About 2 weeks ago, OpenAi announced a partnership with Figure to start producing humanoids with the intellectual capacity of OpenAi’s GPT series.

Word came out over the last few days that it’s already here. 

With ChatGPT remaining within devices that can’t move freely, it remained contained.

Now, adding the humanoid capabilities really takes OpenAi to a new level.

Figure 1 (the humanoid above if you didn’t watch the video) already has the ability for visual recognition, planning future actions, reflecting on what it remembers, and even explaining a complex situation verbally with its own reasoning.

When asked a question, the stutter and human-like speech really stuck out to me as I watched the video. This voice seemed the most human-like in any humanoid or ai agent we’ve seen yet.

Find more information on the Figure 1 and OpenAi partnership here. 

Humanoids want to help you work!

When humanoids start working, would the majority be 1099’s or W-2s?

We should now consider this question because of recent news of humanoids ramping up into the workforce.

The Financial Times reported from Mercedez that they’ve already started testing Apollo Humanoids for low-risk, repetitive, high manual labor tasks in Hungary due to a worker shortage.

No numbers financially or quantitatively for the amount of humanoids in exchange for money.

It’s not just Hungary; Mercedez is already testing the Figure 1 robot in a South Carolina plant.

Over the last year, Amazon has also tested Digit from Agility Robotics in some of its plants.

We’ll start seeing more and more of this as the year continues. Many CEOs will claim it’s improving the human ability to create and produce. While yes, in the short term the better, there are worse impacts in the long term. Placing these humanoids to learn from current humans doing the job will expedite the replacement of the humans. Once again, they are cheaper, more efficient, and can work all hours, assuming their battery doesn’t need to be charged. 

Purchasing a Startup

In this newsletter, we’ve mentioned multiple times how Apple has fallen behind in its generative AI capabilities over the last few years. They’re speeding up efforts in this space.

Two Weeks ago, reports came out that they were shutting down their car development aspirations to focus solely on generative AI and its benefits. They have put their money where their mouth is and doubled down by buying a startup out of Canada, DarwinAi.

Apple is set to release iOS 18 in September of this year. People close to Apple are reporting that a major push in generative AI for this release is crucial to the longevity of their company.

What’s great about Apple is that they have users natively. Users of Apple’s devices don’t have to get “online” to access great AI tools. If Apple wanted to, it could be the first stop for AI for over two billion devices.

Something to keep an eye on: When Tim Cook took over after Steve Jobs passed away, Tim refined many processes to improve Apple Devices, their system processes, and internal software for users and employees. Nothing Grand created; more so refining and making things already created better!

While great at maintaining and managing a company, does he have the foresight to build technology that rivals anyone in the world? Is Tim going to release the next “iPhone,” so to speak, or will another CEO with futuristic ideas come out needing to push a product?

“Zander, they just released the Apple Vision Pros under Tim Cook. That’s going to revolutionize our way of life!” Remember when the patent was created? Don’t think Steve was going to leave us with nothing! 

You can say, “That’s why they hire product designers, project managers, engineers,” etc. The buck ends at the CEO. No one person has more say than Tim Cook. It’s Tim’s future and we’re all living in it. They’re already late to generative AI. Let’s see how they catch up.

Wrap it Up

That’s all for Ai For Normal People. If you liked this or found it helpful, feel free to share it with friends you might (or might not) think are normal, like yourself.

See you tomorrow!



🤠 Written by me, Zander. Connect with me on X! (Brand new to X? So am I!)

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