Sunday Times

The Future of Eyewear, Google's Big Build, and Sam's Big Bet

Goodmorning to all our favorite norms out there. We’re prepped and ready to go for an awesome week. Like we do every Sunday, we love to cover top stories that’s shaping the trajectory of ai, tech, and consumer goods.

Without further ado…


FRAME - the future’s future of ai eyewear 👓️ 

What the heck is this? Frame is exactly where I believe Apple’s Vision Pro (from a hardware set up) will be headed in the next 2-5 years. I argue that many people would rather prefer a set of glasses over goggles because if they didn’t, normal people would be walking around with goggles for glasses instead of the other way around. That will be the progression of the Apple Vision Pro. (before they hit contacts which other ai players in the space are currently working on)

Frame is an open source set of glasses that, powered by ai, will allow you to do the following:

  • search the web powered by Perplexity

  • visual analysis of the world around you powered by OpenAi

  • Translate what you see and hear powered by Whisper

It has an estimated full day battery life (with a portable charger for on the go). There is an option for a prescription in the lens. There is a subscription to use the ai (like there is for anything these days - this newsletter is still free 😉) but there will be an option for a free tier to be able to get started.

Available for preorder here

We will cover this more this week. Super excited about that

Gemini enters the chat

Let’s get something out the way. Bard is dead. RIP


no it rebranded —> Gemini.

Hello, Gemini. (horrible name)

Google released its new option, Gemini, has now taken over Bard, your previous competitor to ChatGPT. Along with the release of this, Gemini Ultra has now experienced an “advance” upgrade that apparently blows ChatGPT4 out of the water (GPT4.5 has to be around the corner). This is how it compares to GPT4:

  • 7% better at generating Python code

  • Nearly 5% at both basic and intricate level math questions

  • Reading comprehension (nearly 1.5%)

Now, I wouldn’t trust Larry Page as far as I could throw him. But, Google’s new tech on this is pretty impressive. Their mobile app is easy to use along with their text assistant for accessing Gemini Ultra makes it a pleasurable experience.

You can get started here today with 2 free months which is pretty impressive.


In the startup world, a known face has popped up for a potential new conquest. Sam Altman, cofounder of OpenAI & ChatGPT, has come out interested in raising a million dollars for…

wait no

interested in raising 1 billion dollars… that’s gotta be right?



For what?

microchip factories to expedite the process for growth in ai.

According to Business Insider, Sam has come out and met with the United Arab Emirates looking for $5-7 Trillion for production of microchip factories to give room for energy consumption and distribution.

Sam claims that ChatGPT has been hindered by the lack of energy and microchip availability for further progress in certain instances.

Just in reference for how much money that is:

  • All of World War 2 for the United States cost $4 Trillion

  • $330B to end world hunger by 2030

  • ~$1.5T of all commercial and residential cost of real estate in NYC

Any stories you thought we missed or you want us to cover? Reply on this email with your idea and some resources so we have a jump start when we take a look. Our newsletters are pretty planned ahead but we’ll do our best to squeeze it in. If it’s good enough, we might throw the schedule out the window and let it rip!

See ya tomorrow,


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When we set out with this newsletter, we knew there had to be other people like us that wanted to learn more without the data science degree jargon. There’s 919 other people like yourself. We’re tracking for 1,000 which is crazy! Sky is the limit 💥 🎊  

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