Our Sunday Times: what you *might* have missed last week!

Do you know anything about the greek god Morpheus?

Goodmorning far and wide to all of our norms out there!

We hope you’re gearing up to have a great week. We’re going to test out doing a few Sunday articles here and there, get the blood pumping feeling out the waters. If you love these editions, respond back to our email saying we light up your sky. Our newsletter is unavailable to any other type of response ;)

These Sunday editions will be a little more focused to a news style covering top stories you might have missed from last week.

So sit back, get your Sunday coffee (we’ll wait a second… make it a strong one) and let’s hop right in.


Story 1: Showroom —> Stop looking for clothes yourself

Showroom is a brand new ai tool (waitlist currently at showroom.store) that uses ai to learn what you like and what you don’t like about shopping. You know how ads pop up on Facebook as you're scrolling for the literal outfit you were just talking about with your friends?

This cuts through the rubbish of needing to score the internet for your data for 1-2 months and gives you a prompt able to find exactly what you’re looking for immediately. From color, cut, fabric, size, - it’s as if you walked by your favorite store and someone had there arm stuck through a proverbial window (that opens up and down) just to give you your perfect purchase everyday. No affiliation to this site - I just think this could be a big bet for how we shop in the future. They coin themselves the fastest way to shop… I’m pretty fast Lulu

Story 2: ScholarAi —> Better than ChatGPT for research

A brand new GPT rolled out on the ChatGPT store - scholarAI. Mainly used for researchers, scientists, but really anyone wanting to learn deeper in a complex concept rather than what ChatGPT can offer. The input given is more niche to focus on deeper learning that what ChatGPT can give.

Next time you need to write a paper for your grungy 8 AM class that you’ll “needless to say” won’t need again for the rest of your life, give ScholarAi a shot on “helping” you write your next paper. Does that get you better in life? That’s not for us to answer..

Story 3: Morpheus 1 —> Help humans control lucid dreaming

I can honestly say i’ve never had a lucid dream. The other night I had a dream I got shot in the shoulder and I felt like I had a little bit of control but then recognized with pizzas somehow flying while I was ~also~ floating that I wasn’t born with that talent.

But if you were, or you’re currently practicing, Morpheus 1 is set out to help you with your lucid dreaming. A big difference from the Morpheus 1 to other AI tools available is that the Morpheus 1 is not controlled by words or sentences. It also doesn’t answer with words or sentences. It’s controlled by brain states.

You can read more about that here —> https://twitter.com/PropheticAI/status/1750534355242418300

State of ai4np Newsletter

(how I think about our newsletter and the community here ^ - now lemme refrain…) We’re in a good spot. We’re growing and we’re seeing great interaction from our community here. We’ve got some great resource we would love to see help you out as you grow in your understanding for ai and what it can do for you!

Instagram — > @aifornormalpeople

Tiktok —> @aifornormalpeople

We’re hovering around 320 subscribers. We’re feeling frisky and we’re getting to where we want to be. We’ve mentioned that our goal was 250 by end of January and you guys have crushed that!! Could we do 500 by end of the month?