Mid Week Update

News from Sam Altman and OpenAi

Happy Wednesday norms. It’s your mid week update. Today we’re covering updates with Sam Altman and his company OpenAi. We’ll give a little bit more of an in-depth look at why these stories are important and there impacts moving forward we could predict to see

If there’s a story you want to hear us cover or talk about, all you have to do is respond back to this email.

Lets hop in!

Turn Text to Video in Minutes

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Among other tools, Synthesia can take an image you give it with a script, and turn it in to a very nice video to get your message across.

Don’t miss out on what they’re building!

📝 Your Memory Done For You 😁 

OpenAi rolled out yesterday their new memory feature. It stores things from previous prompts you’ve put in, previous answers you got back, and remembers inputs you’ve asked about in the conversation from earlier.

Zander didn’t it already do this? Yes, but now, it’s ~better~

Go down to your settings on bottom left side of your home page and after clicking that, see if there’s a “Personalization” tab that pops up. Would be above “beta features” if it’s there.

It’s currently in beta right now so not everyone is lucky enough to have it. They rolled it out to free and paying customers. If it’s in your settings, you have the ability to turn it on or off. Memory is a feature that works under the hood so it won’t be something you should be constantly turning on and off.

Here’s why this is important: ChatGPT is becoming more and more like a human with reference to its conversationally ability. But you have to work out your ChatGPT muscle the same way you go to the gym. The more you get comfortable with using it, the more and more you’ll learn things about it as it’s learning more about you. It’s not going to cook the bacon for you or make you money (yet). You still need to work the rudder. But it can be a very valuable assistant in what you need on simple tasks, learning a topic, or bouncing ideas off of.

Examples of use with Memory:

  • Export every chat you’ve had to see what type of prompts works well and what doesn’t

  • Take those best prompts and share them across your organization to speed up workflows for others

  • Pick up where you left off in more intellectual conversations with ChatGPT

💨 Somebody Leaving 🚶‍♂️ 

Anytime you have a founder leave from a massive company, YOU HAVE TO RAISE AN EYEBROW. To sit there and accept the food the master is giving you is lazy at minimum but borderline pathetic.

Andrej Karpathy left Open Ai on Monday. Here’s a tweet from him on Tuesday of this week:

Simplified Timeline at OpenAI:

  • In 2015 → Elon Musk and Sam Altman pitch Ilya Sutskever to leave google’s ai platform to start OpenAi.

  • In 2016 → 990 Form Filing only showing 4 board members (Musk, Altman, Chris Clark, and Jonathon Levy)

  • In 2017 → 990 Form Filing for the end of 2017 showed adjustments to board members removing Levy, and adding Holden Karnofsky (gave $30M), Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever

  • In 2018 → Elon Removed from the board (removing also Clark - now only 4 on the board)

  • From 2019-2023 → Board grows and shrinks but by end of 2023, it’s at 4 people

  • Nov 2023 → Ilya and the board fire Altman as CEO and Remove Brockman as President as well)

  • Nov 2023 → Altman and Brockman are both reinstated after mob mentality of OpenAi brings them back

  • Feb 9, 2024 → Ilya steps down from the board (according to ChatGPT - which I also looked for articles referencing this and I couldn’t find any so tread lightly on this)

  • Feb 14, 2024 → Andrej Karpathy leaves

If you want to read further into the timeline, check out this article (it’s free). It’s an amazing resource on OpenAi’s timeline. Some interesting stuff 👀 

Why is this important: It’s hard to call OpenAi a startup considering how much money they’ve raised, the team of people they’ve put together, and what they’ve been able to accomplish. But with how new they are, they’re definitely still a startup.

And with any startup, you have people come and go. But there needs to remain at least that one face (Sam Altman in this case) to purge ahead with the vision and mission.

I write about this today because when big people leave in the company, it makes you wonder why. What were there reasoning. What did they see. And of course, the tweet says it wasn’t for any reason other than wanting to build something else on his own. Which I believe him. But I at least have to raise the question - is that all?

👀 ChatGPT 4.5 —> 5 🧑‍💻 

Smarter, faster, more personalized.

We all thought ChatGPT4.5 would be rolling out soon.

Sam said nah, we’ll give you 5.

The big thing Sam keeps going back to is the model is smarter. He said it over and over.

It’s smarter.

It’s going to be able to answer high level questions, perform better tasks, generate more precise photos, incorporate more information across the internet to allow for better output.

This thing will be a beast.

What worries me is the race in the capitalistic market for new emerging ai tech. I’m not saying a socialist or even communist style market would create a better product. In fact that would worry me even more because we dang sure would know it’s in the wrong hands.

What makes my hair go up on my arm a little bit is the fact that this race between Google, OpenAI, I assume Elon will have his own platform, with more to come, is exponentially pushing the development of ai. Exponential - not linear.

Soon they’ll be coming through the computers and wiping our butts. You talk about efficient.

If you keep a keen eye out for features that as they continue to roll out, make you go “why do we have that”. Very rarely is a feature rollout here to not build for something even bigger in the future.

When you look with that Lens, you can start seeing the bigger picture of who are the good guys and who aren’t.

That’s your update with OpenAi and ChatGPT. I have been critical in the past of some sketchy stuff with the removal of Sam Altman and Greg Brockman. I think what worries me is when you wield that much power, there are a lot of opportunities for different things to happen that’s under your control.

And I feel like it’s my job to call it out and get you to think the possibility that is could be something different than what everyone else is thinking.

Excited to talk tomorrow,


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