Robots in the Wild

How we can use robots and not the other way around

Brady and I have been trying to figure out a great framework for these newsletters. What is it that gives you the most bang for your buck? Is our apple worth biting out of? As you can tell, we released our Sunday Times (you can find that here if you missed last Sunday) where we’re going to catch you up on all things in the ai space from companies that you might have missed out on. Some fun ones, some serious, and some down right futuristic.

What was originally Op-ed Friday - we’re bumping those pieces to Thursdays. We want to not only help you celebrate the 4 day work week, but we might want our own slice of the cake, too. (if enough people yell at us, we’ll move it back to Friday)

With ALLLLL of that being said, happy Thursday (the new Friday) to all of the norms out there. And happy February!!!


You ever sat down with someone you can clearly tell is leagues smarter than you? Doesn’t mean they’re more successful, just smarter. And I’m not talking about the guy in the office that knows every 3rd down stat for the 49er’s defense. Or the woman that can always find the best deal online and she needs to tell you about it.

I’m talking about the person that is clearly not into anything a normal person would be into. Owning a home, or a car, trying to figure out which gas station to go to to save 7 cents on a gallon of gas. You know, normal stuff.

Brady and I are far more curious than we are smart. We’ve had the privilege of sitting many days across from individuals that make our head spin. They make us feel like this:

Brady and I

There’s ton of people like that running companies in the ai space that seem to be sprinting and we felt like we were barely crawling. And it seemed like other people have felt or feel that way, too. Where do I even begin to learn about this information? Is this real? Are we really going in this direction?


Whether you’re a novice in the ai space or writing code for OpenAI, we wrote this to help normal people learn a space that doesn’t seem to translate to normal english. To help everyday people learn how to use these tools to better themselves and their work. Everyday we sit down, that is our one goal.

With that being said, we hope you enjoy today’s piece.

Robot, are you my friend?

Sometimes when we hear the term robot, the first connotation we have is negative. These machines are coming to take over the world with the worst thoughts towards humanity. There’s a Hollywood vision of Optimus Prime and the Deceptacons coming to Earth taking over humanity using us as ploys for their own benefit.


TLDR: a robot, in its simplest form, takes in a sample of data, learns from that data, and creates outputs, whether correct or incorrect, existing in the 3D world.

What’s key here is “existing in a 3D World” - it brings the internet out of the computer box to a dinner table near you.

Robots we create prior to artificial general intelligence (AGI) do not currently have the ability to have thoughts and feelings on their own. They are programmed to think and act according to the data we give it. These robots, whether Tesla cars, humanoid’s that do backflips, or robotic employees making our burgers are all here to help us achieve our desired outcomes. Here’s a few companies that are utilizing the ability to build these robots for the betterment of humanity.

Boston Dynamics Robot

There was just a major announcement of a possible investment from OpenAI and Microsoft into the robotics company Figure pushing their evaluation near $2Billion.

It takes ChatGPT from a 2D form on your device to a 3D form making you coffee in your kitchen. Take a look at their humanoid.

Elon’s Tesla & Tesla Optimus went for a walk the other day. Prices for this robot will start “under $20,000” according to Musk.

Hansen Robotics has been developing and building robots, including Sophia, who has performed on The Tonight Show and Good Morning Britain.

Boston Dynamics, instead of designing like a human, has their dog robot named Spot, for research in the work force rather than accomplishing “heavy labor” tasks.

There are more companies out building great tech. What I want us to remember is just because the robot isn’t in a form of a human or a dog doesn’t make it “not a robot”. And just because it’s called a robot doesn’t make it evil. These machines have an immense opportunity to make life for humans that want to work hard to achieve great things far more likely for those things to happen.

Here at ai4np, we’re excited to continue to see the growth of the robotic fields paired with data entry and usage to formulate a better society for the human race. We’ll let you know when it starts to get a little scary. We got time.

Robots are our friends and they're here to help us. Over the next few years, you will see far more Robots doing things that you never would have guessed them to. It’s all for the benefit of humanity as a whole.

To the moon,

Zander Huff

Employees or Business Owners looking to level up in ai

After starting this newsletter, Brady and I have had the pleasure of talking with you all in the work force wanting to learn more about how you can use ai in your day to day. Where can you make more money and get more time back.

If you’re someone that’s interested in this, we’d love for you to email us by simply replying to this email. We don’t have a price yet for “partnering” (we’d prefer the term “partnering” over consulting because we’re in it to see you succeed).

As we get going, each person or company’s situation will be different so whatever we can do to help you and your business with the most customizable approach, we’d be more than happy to talk to see if you’re a fit for us and we’re a fit for you!

Subscriber Count 👉 340 🎉 

We’re almost at the end of our first month as a newsletter, and already we’re at over 300 Normal People… 🤯 🤯 🤯 

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