Collab Done the Right Way

Happy Tuesday to all the normies out there. Today is going to be a fun one. One you put up on a white board, and when you leave, it rivals a Picasso masterpiece.

What does that mean?

We’re going a little bit more fun for today’s newsletter. I’m sure you could tell by the title. I think what the NBA is trying to implement with utilizing ai (which we talked about in yesterday’s newsletter) boosts viewership from a different crowd that might not be the crowd that’s currently watching.

It’s very childlike in their approach which is good because they’re trying to raise the youngest generation to recognize the NBA brand before any other sports entertainment brand.

IMO it doesn’t help out the current viewership at all.

So I have a few ideas to enhance the viewership for the current fans that do watch games that would blow their mind. I’m not sure how much Vegas would like this…

Off we go


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IDEA 1 - Predictive Scoreboard

I’m been watching sports very closely for over 2 decades. As the seasons change, there always seems to be a change in the aesthetic of the scoreboard down at the bottom of the screen.

The scoreboard in a basketball game typically shows the amount of points each team has, timeouts each team has, shot clock, and regular clock for what’s left on the game. Here’s an example

Now what I think would be really cool is implementing ai to predict a few things. I’ve taken that same image and added a few things that I think could be really awesome for viewership:

  • percentage to win

  • projected point total

  • projected more actual time left in the game

It would display like this:

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IDEA 2 - Predictive Path (realtime)

Another idea I had is called predictive path. At any point within an offensive possession, ai can predict where the ball will go based on the spacing of the floor and opportunities of lanes available.

Take this picture for instance:

You’ve got the point guard dribbling the ball up the floor after a change in possession. As the play progresses, you’ll see things at the other end of the court.

If you’re watching with this selection allowed, it would look something like this:

  • Blue = pass

  • Black = dribble

  • Green = shot

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IDEA 3 - Predictive Rankings Real Time

If you’re watching games near playoff time, there’s always around 6 teams that it really matters how the last 10 games on the schedule shake out.

What could be really cool is creating a live playoff ranking predictor so as they’re watching, they’re seeing real time updates from other games and how it affects the seeding of the team while ai is predicting who potentially will win the game.

The predictor adjusts throughout the game as the flow adjusts.

This could show like this:

A couple things to note about this:

  • The playoff ranking box would recognize what side of the court the most amount of energy is being spent on and shift the box to the other side of your tv screen to make sure it isn’t in the way

  • These update real time with the predictive analysis used by ai to show how the teams are adjusting real time based on real games they are currently in right now

  • It will show how often it updates beside the seed to show how real time the data is. So instead of flipping back and forth on the screen and then pulling up rankings on your phone and trying to visualize that, it shows everything real time on one screen

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IDEA 4 - Fan Interaction (Honorable Mention)

One thing you always see when you go to the games is the celebrity cam. Bump that.

I want to see the celebrity ranking. Who’s there with the most followers. This could be really important for brands to start recognizing who all goes to basketball games consistently, where do they sit, what do they wear, to see if their product is a fit for that celeb.

It also would be fun for nosey people like myself to see who all is there.

It would show up like this:

Now this obviously would have an easy panel in the top right corner that would allow you to control what you want to see at which time. You could leave these settings on throughout the game or turn them off. But having them available for common viewership would be awesome.

Imagine at a bar watching a game and they have the predictive scoring and path on. Vegas would be getting screwed haha

Anyways, did you guys like this style of newsletter?? Please let me know by answering this poll or emailing back to me a topic you would like to see done like this.

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See you guys then,


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