Mid Week Report

We're almost wrapped up with the week, and we’ve got a Mid-week report you don’t want to miss! All the latest news in the AI space is here to catch you up with what’s whizzing around our heads. Let’s dive in.



Disney Bots quickly stole the spotlight from #NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang as he welcomed “special guests” Orange and Green BD-X robots to demo... See more

I find it funny that robots that look like this will have the ability to cut my kneecaps off if they desire. This is the world we are moving into hahaha

New Development in Soccer

Is it soccer? The world tells us Americans otherwise. In the world of futebol, Google came out with a brand new product to help coaches be able to predict better passing lanes, making it easier for players to get a better feel for the game.

With an aerial view, Google Deepmind can help coaches teach corner kicks on which players have the best chance of putting the ball in the back of the net.

When you’re watching an NFL game, the quarterback will trot off the field to the bench where a staff member will hand him an iPad. He’s looking at the iPad for the last plays he just ran.

Look for AI as the teaching tool available on the iPads when quarterbacks look through the plays they just ran. This will teach them primary targets, reads they missed, preferential checks they could have made, and more.

I would almost guarantee this will be on a sideline (if not already trying to implement some small sort of this) by next NFL season.


NVIDIA's social stock continues to rise. Entering the chat: Earth-2.

According to their website, this full-stack platform accelerates climate and weather predictions with interactive, AI-augmented, high-resolution simulation.

Basically, NVIDIA has cloned Earth to simulate climate change and catastrophic events on Earth, which allows us to better predict weather forecasts for the future.

A couple of examples of this in the real world include but aren’t limited to, measuring CO2 emissions from industrial plants, predicting extreme weather as far as three weeks out, and even detailed visuals of clouds at 1.25 KM resolutions (the current ability, at best, is 25KM resolution, which doesn’t allow for real detail to be seen).

Could we never die?

Ray Kurzweil claims that if you can survive the next five years, you have a chance to live for the next 500 years.

We mentioned Ray last week in the newsletter. He’s a futurist and has been around AI arguably longer than anybody else.

He teaches, as we covered last week, the exponential growth of AI. Humans won’t be able to wrap their brains around the speed at which AI will grow because we have difficulty comprehending anything outside of the first exponential growth phase.

Ray assumes AI transforms health industries and day-to-day stress factors to make our lives as easy as possible. Until AI finds us useful no longer, we won’t have leverage as the dominant species, so our species is in the hands of something we built.

I would really recommend you watch this entire interview to see what our future will be like. This guy is a genius.

Here’s a nugget from this video. In 1935, a computer could do .000007 computations per second. For the same amount it takes to generate that today, we’re able to do 65 billion computations in that same second for the same price.

Microsoft Steals From Google

It was reported late yesterday afternoon that Microsoft had stolen one of the founders of Google’s Deepmind to name him CEO of CoPilot over all things growing in their AI department.

Back in 2014, Google purchased DeepMind. Mustafa leaves in 2022 to start Inflection, backed by billionaire Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn Founder). This is where Microsoft picks up taking not only Mustafa but also the likes of nearly his whole team with them.

You can find the latest blog post from current Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

Wrap it Up

That’s all we have for you today. I hope you enjoyed it. Let us know if you know of any news we might have missed. We’d love to discuss how we can include that in the newsletter before the end of the week.

Have a great Wednesday and see ya tomorrow!



🤠 Written by me, Zander. Connect with me on X! (Brand new to X? So am I!)

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