The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

A helpful framework for navigating the Wild, Wild, West of AI.

Happy Tuesday, Normies!

This week on aifnp I want to talk about (you guessed it): AI – but more than I want to talk about it, I want to help frame a new we can talk about AI that will become a regular part of our weekly discussions here.

Often times, AI is discussed in extremes: either it is the dawn of a new world or the end of the world as we know it. Now both of these sides have some valid points, but (as in most cases) the truth here lies in tension. It is this very tension that led me to draw up what I think is a very helpful framework that I call The Good, The Bad, + The Ugly. Here’s how I see it…

😇 THE GOOD: AI’s Bright Side ☀️

This is the bucket where I put all the positive parts of AI development. It's like a backstage pass to tomorrow’s healthcare miracles, with AI spotting diseases way before doctors might, turning early detection into a game-changer. And on the eco-side of things, AI’s tweaking the knobs on energy use, making big industries greener and our air cleaner.

😈 THE GOOD: AI’s Dark Side 🌑 

The other side of the force – the harsh reality that, for all their benefits, AI breakthroughs bring with them some pretty potent poisons as well. AI's got this way of watching us without asking first, turning privacy into a bit of a question mark. Then there's the job scene – it's automating faster than we can keep up, nudging us into a future where work might not be as human-centric as it used to be.

👽 THE UGLY: AI’s Weird Side 👾 

Aaaaand then there’s the stuff that doesn’t fall into either category. Not bad, but definitely not good – the uncanny valley of artificial intelligence. Like its attempts at creating human faces, producing a gallery of almost-people. It’s a glimpse into AI’s learning curve, where it's trying so hard and falling over itself.

So there we have it, a nice little way to categorize all the incoming news, innovations, and breakthroughs in this AI revolution. This framework is something we’ll start incorporating as a recurring segment in ai for normal people – each week we’ll hit on these categories and hopefully provide a fuller picture of the Wild, Wild West of AI.


Brady Fowlkes

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