The Browser That Searches For You

Arc Search is poised to shake up the way we browse the internet.

Happy Monday, Normies!

It’s the start of another week, and today I want to highlight ONE AI tool that I think can immediately start improving your life (or at least, your digital experience).

The Browser Company has had my heart for about a year now, ever since they launched the product that radically shifted the way I use the internet in years: their Arc Browser. If you haven’t heard of this yet, go ahead and do yourself the favor of clicking that link and start enjoying using the internet again (not an ad, just a fanboy).

This company is in no way an “AI company,” the fact that they happened to be building a new approach to browsing the web during the AI boom made the incorporation of AI into their product a no brainer.

Arc’s welcome screen you see the first time you login – pure magic ✨ 

This integration began last year with what they call “Arc Max” – essentially a set of AI add-ons to their desktop browsing experience: instant summaries to sites just by hovering over the links, intelligently renaming downloads, access to ChatGPT right in the search bar, etc. These have been very cool, but haven’t really shifted the way I use the web in any way – although it has made it much sleeker and fun to use.

Then there was last night. Yep, last night their CEO announced via an X thread that they had just launched their highly anticipated mobile app, which for the time being is called Arc Search. I’ll let you read his thread for allllll the details, but the implications for our purposes are that this app is poised to upset the entire search industry, the advertisements its built upon, and (as a result) the web itself. 🙃 

If this sounds like an overstatement, hear me out. The most revolutionary feature this browser presents is called “Browse For Me,” which does exactly what it sounds like: instead of you browsing through pages, their browser (powered by AI) digs through the first 6 pages of your search and presents you a completely unique, relevant, and (yes) ad-free web page.

From a consumer standpoint, this is GREAT – no more needing to dig through some ad-ridden hellscape just to figure out how long I need to bake these chocolate chip cookies. For the companies whose entire business model relies on actual people clicking the link that Arc Search just read for us… not looking so good.

There’s so much more I could say about Arc, and I’m sure there will be more chances to talk about this soon, but that’s where we’ll leave it for today.

So go ahead, download Arc Search on your phone, set it as your default browser, and say hello to the future. 👋 

I’d love to hear your experiences with Arc Search or any other AI tools you come across – reply back to this email with your experiences, stories, and with what tool you think we should cover next week!


Brady Fowlkes

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