We're Back

We took a little break because our Artificial Intelligence for Normal People team needed one. We’ve been going as fast as we can since the beginning of this year, and we’re so thankful for everyone who has tuned in to what we’re doing.

Moving forward, you can expect to get these newsletters 3-4 times a week, depending on the week. We’ve got other things going on we’re working to roll out for you guys, and we hope you guys will hang in there with us.

Happy April.

JOKE OF THE DAY: Presented by Grok

A bear walks into a bar and says, "I'll have a beer... and some peanuts.

The bartender says, "Why the big pause?”

The bear replies, "I dunno, I was born with them."

The Rundown University

I started studying AI and its capabilities back in 2018. My first real understanding of what it could do was watching someone I admire in the field work on a self-driving project. I watched as he trained different models, sitting there for hours programming pictures.

All the companies we talked about today (for the most part) were working on something back then. The only difference was outside of Silicon Valley, there wasn’t much press release. Not because what they were working on wasn’t amazing. But nobody really knew the implications of AI for humanity.

Now, these companies have reached mass markets, which allows lots of people to be interested in what they’re doing (i.e., creating more opportunities to write about the news).

Rowan Cheung has been an awesome resource for me in my recent journey, learning even more about the AI space. He came out with a university centered around helping you learn about AI. If you’re looking for more information on how to utilize AI in your day-to-day, give this a look.

Emotional Intelligence is Here

There are a lot of people who assume that AI will not be able to understand emotion until AGI arrives. Well, it’s here. If you click on the tweet above, it will walk you through the highlights of the tool.

What’s interesting about the product is on the right side as you’re talking to the model, you can see how the model’s “brain" is working which is shown below.

Above, the emoji being me and the robot being the ai will bounce around throughout the conversation as different tones are detected. It will also give a score for the top 3 detected in each sentence below that.

I can see this being very beneficial for people that need to speak in public. They can practice their script and see how each sentence will impact the audience.

Give it a try here.

Is There A Bubble Coming?

More and more companies are growing in the AI space. Faster than we’ve ever seen. If you have the 2 letters AI anywhere in your company’s description, people are basically throwing money at you right now.

While it does worry me how much money is going into these AI companies because of the lack of guardrails and regulations around artificial intelligence growth, this is America, and if we’ve been going fast our whole lives, why don’t we finish it around the last lap doing the same?

Is there a bubble in the AI space for investing? I think there are bad actors who would insinuate when you hear AI companies going out of business soon that there’s a bubble, but there’s not with the right bet. If you’re betting on the right AI tech with the right founder and the right team, the sky is the limit. AI grows exponentially, not linearly. But we will see a lot of fakes pop into the space, rug pull, get arrested, and then the headline will say, “The AI bubble is here,” only for the top to readjust, double down, and put even more money into their precious projects.

Do with this information what you will; this is not investment advice.

Wrap it Up

I am glad to be back writing to all of you. If there’s anything you want to hear specifically about how AI can help you or your industry, feel free to reach out!

Talk to you guys tomorrow,



🤠 Written by me, Zander. Connect with me on X! (Brand new to X? So am I!)

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Can we get to 6,000 by the end of April? Send this link to someone who’s not normal and needs this! haha

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