Adobe Firefly

It's flying under the radar and it shouldn't be.

Happy Monday. So i wanted to write about Elon suing OpenAi (and the other 8 affiliates of OpenAi) but there are ~so~ many details to that story that I don’t want to rush and throw something out. I want it to be everything your little heart desires.

So I’m pivoting in a quick decision for this mornings newsletter to send my sincerest apologies to ADOBE. I did not respect your game 🫡 

Today, we’re going through tools you can find on their Adobe Firefly along with one that’s not released yet.

Get FireFly for Free

Big news in the generative ai space for Adobe. They’ve been slowing working in the background.

Not a lot has been mentioned about their generative ai team. But doing further investigation, you can get started with their stuff completely for free.

Hit this link to get started and should prop you up on what you need for today’s busy schedule.

Text to Image


You’ve probably worked already with Dalle-3, Gemini’s image generator (which if you’ve seen the stuff happening at Google right now… let me put it this way, it’s never good when the old CEO and founder of the company has to show at a hackathon to fix what’s going on with their image models), Midjourney, and more.

Adobe’s text to image model has been around for a little while and it’s pretty easy to use.

A few things I like:

  • generates 4 images when you put in a prompt instead 1 or even 2

  • has an option to select either photo (which is more realistic) or art

  • You’ve got a control for visual intensity which controls how detailed of an image you want to create.

  • You can style match, add different effects, and adjust your colors & tone, lighting, and composition

From the amount of time that I’ve messed with this, I’m not sure it necessarily does the job from a photo perspective but from a stance in art, it offers things quickly that would take a little bit longer to engineer in the prompt on other places.

Prompt: “swimming with a shark”

  • Content Type: Art (not photo)

  • Visual Intensity: Half

  • Style: Basic

  • Effects: Popular

Generative Recolor


Take your vector image you’ve already created.

Place it into the generative recoloring tool from Adobe.

And it will go through and allow you to select different color palettes for your art that have already been approved by Adobe.

Talk about a second set of eyes for your art and work.

Generate Images from You


This product from Adobe has not been released yet but I think it could be super helpful when it’s available.

Upload your own personal photos (emphasis on a lot of photos) of an object, your pet, whatever you’re trying to capture.

The model will then read and learn everything it needs to know about that object and those images your main object is in.

And then will generate more photos similar to photos you gave it. I find that to be super helpful in a world where content is king.

That’s all for today. Reply back in to this email and let me know what you guys think. Hopefully I can get this full story pushed out to y’all tomorrow on Elon and OpenAi. A lot to unpack

See you guys then!


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