2024: The Year of the Deepfakes

This week's Good, Bad, + Ugly focuses around AI-generated images.

Happy Tuesday, Normies!

Last Tuesday on aifnp I introduced a very helpful framework for covering AI news that I call The Good, The Bad, + The Ugly. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, click that blue link to get caught up, because this will now be a weekly segment starting, well.. today!

For this week’s GBU (nice little acronym, huh?) we’ll look at one of the most beautiful and powerful aspects of generative AI: image generation. Here’s the spread…


The upside to AI image generation is mostly about ease of use, giving the everyday person the ability to at least feel like they are “creating” something beautiful. Closing the gap between dream and reality has to be worth something, right?

😈 THE BAD 🚫 

On the downside, we might as well go ahead and call 2024 the Year of the Deepfakes. 😳 It’s an election year here in the States, and AI-generated images of politicians are already shaking things up. But it’s not just politicians getting the raw end of the AI-art deal: just a couple of weeks ago, a flood of sexually explicit generated images of Taylor Swift were uploaded to Twitter/X, leading to a brief period where searching for her name on the platform was a no-go.


But not all AI-generated people are out to get us, right? As generated images of humans become more lifelike, we're inching closer to the “uncanny valley” – that eerie dive as images near human-like qualities – challenging our ability to distinguish real from artificial. With text generation capabilities already duping the Turing test, and now with nearly realistic images popping up in profile pictures, the authenticity of our online interactions is truly in limbo. 🌀

And that’s it for this week’s Good, Bad, & Ugly.

Let me know what topic we should hit next week!! As always you can hit me back by replying directly to this email, or you can find me on Twitter/X as @bradyfowlkes.

Until next time..


Brady Fowlkes

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